Today, after passing all certification exams,our company, Smarthost Ltd. gained "certified cPanel partner".
Before our company was Officail cPanel Partner - but after passing exams according to certifications steps that are prepared by cPanel Univeristy, we went to next level of cooperation partnership with one of the biggest company that dilivers best hosting software and features.
Speed and performance: full SSD, http/2, multiple cache methods, free data migration, free SSL certificates
Speed and performance: high I/O, a lot of memory, full SSD, http/2, free SSL certificates, technical support
Security and performance: full separation, anti-exploit technology, full SSD, http/2, free SSL certificates
Wherever high computing power is required, you can choose from our dedicated servers in our own server room located in Central Europe.
When you need to configure an operating system on our hosting platform, it's a good idea to choose your own VPS with cPanel and root access.
Several hundred types of domains from all around the world can be registered at Our prices are affordable for everyone.